Galaksestien | 2021
Permanent public installation, Vollsmose, supported by The Danish Arts Foundation and Odense Municipality
200 m path, 1,2 m wide. Glass mosaic, granite tiles, concrete.
Galaksestien is a sinuous path containing cosmological narratives across time and geographies. It is placed in Vollsmose in the city of Odense in a park connecting a school with a housing area.
Galaksestien is made up of organically shaped granite tiles in three different colors. The path is interrupted by cosmological images in glass mosaic spanning from the ancient Sky Disc of Nebra to NASA's use of supercomputers to visualise black holes. The work investiates connections between the history of mosaic and cosmology from the earliest visualisations of the stars to the sci-fi visions of our future world.
More images and process insight here:

Photo: Anders Wiuff